Yeah, but...will this work for me?

I know there are a lot of detoxes out there promising to be a miracle cure, but the 5-Day Detox for Beginners is different because it focuses on introducing lots of healthy, nutrient dense foods into your diet rather than restricting you to a few foods and drinks. Many people have already gone through one of my 5-Day Detoxes and have had incredible results.

This detox is for you if:

  • You reach for a can of diet cola and a chocolate bar when the clock hits 3:00 PM.
  • You usually eat pretty well, you find yourself craving the opportunity to lighten up this spring.
  • You know you want to eat better, but you’re just not sure where to start
  • You want to find out how to feed your body for real instead of following another fad diet
  • You know things need to change, but you also know you need some support and guidance to get healthy the RIGHT way